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Goodbye - 2015-03-18
grrr!!!! - 2010-11-26
lingering... - 2010-09-17
the newest thanks to all those still out there... - 2009-03-24
update on the B man - 2009-03-12

the newest thanks to all those still out there... - 2009-03-24

2009-03-24 - 1:05 am

What seems like so long ago, I set out here for some strange purpose to hide away. This was the escape that no one person knew of, the hidden way of the person I knew I could be among strangers. I knew with some level of certainty that I was rarely read and even less regarded as worth the time to read. At times my dribble directed to an individual reagardless of who read it, other times just thbe outlet of random stupidity. I have I am sure lost some of the few that I invited to peruse the pages listed here, others I am sure still at times check to see if I even still frequent this place at all for some glimpse at my sad excuse for words and thoughts.

I cannot forgive myself for all the bad that I have caused myself by letting out any thoughts...I cannot begin to understand my various weaknesses that are rather evident in anyone that begins to shuffle through all the tapped out nonsense that lies herein. I can only say that I appreciate you all for coming here, for letting me rattle on for my own sake without tearing me down in the process....

I will always be indebted to the souls out there who took the time to giveme feedback, and I must say that for the time so far it has all been kind and wonderful. I promise more to come, for those still out there, the few there are. And, I can only begin to tell you thaht things are in a new place and the randomness will take a new face, as it always seems to do.

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