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Goodbye - 2015-03-18
grrr!!!! - 2010-11-26
lingering... - 2010-09-17
the newest thanks to all those still out there... - 2009-03-24
update on the B man - 2009-03-12

update on the B man - 2009-03-12

2009-03-12 - 1:08 am

Lost as usual, as always, here I am again, spilling my guts out on a public website and rambling on about shit that no one person in their right mind could give a shit less about. Have been here in my own isolated world, hidden away from anyone I know, from anything resembling my old ways for so long now that nobody I know would even recognize my face any longer. Chnaged jobs, no longer at the convenience store chain so big in my city, now hidden out in a call center again, slowly selling my soul to the devil day by day. Now, just as I am working up the inspiration to write out this long diatribe about my trials and tribulations, get out what has been going on with me, I am going to be interupted by "company" and cannot be left alone.....will write more when I have more privacy and can be left alone...

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